my first bumpdate

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I still can’t even wrap my mind around the fact that I’m PREGNANT! Like, there is a human growing inside of me. WHAT. When did I become old enough for this to happen?! Pregnancy has been a bit of a journey so far! I guess I have a lot to catch up on. Let’s start at the beginning!

On April 20th, I decided I wanted to take a pregnancy test to kind of just to reassure myself that I wasn’t pregnant. I really wanted to be pregnant, but I was feeling all kinds of PMS-y and I was super bummed about it. I took it so I could just know for sure and not worry about it anymore. I thought for sure I wasn’t. I always wake up before Kelton, so I went into the bathroom and did the thing. Haha! I set it on the counter and I watched it. I knew that if it was negative, nothing would show up in the little circle. As the pee traveled, (haha) I started to see a line show in the circle.



My jaw completely dropped and the only words that came to mind were, “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh!!!” It was the most surreal thing that has ever happened. I immediately downloaded an app to try and figure out my due date! (While still COMPLETELY freaking out in the BEST way possible.) It did not seem real! The app said that I was due on December 25, 2016! A Christmas miracle! Haha. I started reading all about how far along I was, how big the baby was, when morning sickness usually kicks in, etc. Then I started scheming about how I wanted to tell Kelton! I was thinking it would be cute to do something clever and catch it on video. I could not think of anything and I had no idea how I would be able to pull that off!

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I decided that I would keep thinking about it and just go back in the bedroom. (Still freaking out here, by the way!) Kelton woke up and I went to cuddle next to him. He said, “what have you been up to?” “Nothing.” (Mind you, I had been in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes. I am THE worst liar! Haha.) “Just been on your phone?” “Yeah!”

I was thinking to myself, “stay strong, Lauren. It will be so much cuter if you catch it on video.”

I absolutely couldn’t.

“Guess what? We’re pregnant!”

I probably could have phrased that a little better, but I was so nervous! His reaction was priceless. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life. We just laid in bed together crying so many happy tears. We could not be more excited. It was such a happy day!

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The following day, we had made plans to go to Arizona for my cute cousin, Morgan‘s, wedding! My mom and brothers would be there too, so I thought it would be the perfect time to tell them! I really wanted to tell them in person. My sweet dad wasn’t there though. 😦 I whipped out my computer real fast and made a little design for some “Grandma” and “Grandpa” shirts.

We quickly sent a package with the shirts to Kelton’s parents who live in Oregon and then we were off to Arizona! (Also, I would just like to mention that Drew was the first person we told about being pregnant and it was awesome. I sent him a picture of the pregnancy test while we were in the car with him and it said, “hey you’re gonna be an uncle.” It was kind of the best! Haha. And then he kept the secret from everyone!)

I strategically was able to get my dad to FaceTime with us and I handed my mom her shirt and showed my dad his! You guys will have to wait to see the reaction. I will post it on Facebook soon. 🙂 It was also one of the sweetest moments of my life!


The day after, Kelton’s family finally got their package! We couldn’t FaceTime, so they just called us on the phone when they were opening the package and there was so much happy shouting over the phone and one loud, “I knew it!!” Haha way too awesome! We have the best family!


(Also, when I told Anthony and Trevor, Anthony said, “Can you name it something weird?” and Trevor said absolutely nothing. Hahaha. They’re excited. I know it!)

We had our first appointment on May 19th (that was a LONG wait!!) and everything went really well. It was SO surreal to see our little baby on the ultrasound. So special. This whole thing is such a miracle. I absolutely couldn’t believe that there was actually something in there! They said my official due date is December 23, 2016. Here is our cute little “gummy bear” at 8 weeks:

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As of today, I am 14 weeks!!! This little cutie is the size of a lemon (a little over 3 inches long). So big! It wasn’t too long ago that he/she was the size of a grain of rice! This past week, I’ve started to get a tiny little bump and it is SO cute!


I’m sure everyone is going to be like, “Just you wait…” “You think you’re big now…” Yes, yes. I know! Haha but hey, this is my first pregnancy and it is SO amazing to me. I can definitely tell that there is something actually in there and that is CRAZY and SO EXCITING.

Some quick, weird pregnancy things:

  • I actually have only thrown up once and it was because I was dumb and took my prenatal pill on an empty stomach. It was the first time I had thrown up since second grade and I would not recommend. I feel pretty lucky in that area, but I definitely don’t always feel good. That’s for sure!
  • I absolutely hate eating. This is the exact opposite of what I thought was going to happen! Haha. It makes me sick just thinking about it.
  • With that being said, only a few things taste good to me… right now, they are strawberries, homemade bread, and hot cheetos. The first time I tried a strawberry as a pregnant person, I literally cried because it tasted so good.
  • Also food related… I am SO not loving sweets. I guess this is good, but it makes me sad. Haha! I would much rather eat fresh strawberries than a donut… how sad is that?! Who am I?!
  • I have been SO sleepy. There was one night when I was doing homework on the couch and I was too tired to get up to go to bed, so I took a nap so that I would have enough energy to stand up and walk to bed.
  • I am constantly out of breath. Even if I am walking downhill somewhere, I have to take it slow because it is so exhausting.
  • We only have girl names picked out and we are hardcore struggling with boy names. Any suggestions? I thought it was a girl at the beginning, then I went a solid two months thinking it was a boy, and now I think it’s a girl. But really, I am just clueless!

I think that is a good enough update for now. 🙂 Thanks for being interested in our cute baby!! I am so excited to be a mom. This is my purpose and this is why I’m here. Kelton is going to be THE best dad. He already is. He is the funnest, most hard-working, positive person EVER and oh my heck, I can’t wait to watch it happen. We are both so excited to meet this little cutie!!!

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